Controversies In DNA Profiling
Determining The Accuracy Of The DNA Parenting Test

S ince not many people have an in-depth knowledge about DNA testing, there tend to be much confusion and insecurities regarding it. There are many myths surrounding the process that makes it even more complicated. Some of the frequently asked questions by the people are:

What Is DNA?
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic carrier of genetic information from one generation to the other. DNA is found inside the nucleus of the cells and sometimes also in the mitochondria. DNA is a double helical structure and has many segments that define the various traits of an organism. DNA is the factor that gets transferred from the parent to the offspring, showing the similarities in the characteristics and features. DNA is also responsible for everything in our body from our physical appearance to our thinking and from our food habits to our sleeping habits. These are known as the genetic traits. These can be suppressed but cannot be changed at any cost.
What Does The Test Involve?
There are different types of DNA testing for example parenting testing, ancestry analysis, matching of the DNAs and analysis of a person's background on the basis of his DNA. Each test is done differently. Although, the first step in all the processes is similar, the collection of a DNA sample. After the DNA sample is taken, it is sent to the labs for analysis and after the analysis, detailed reports are compared to find an answer to the desired query. In the case of parenting testing, the DNA samples from the parents and the child are compared to find the similarities between the two. In the case of the crime-based genetic testing, the DNA profile of the suspect is compared to the profiles of the DNA sample collected from the site of the crime. Even though the analysis processes are different, the profiling processes are more or less similar.
Does Taking The Sample Hurt?
This is a huge misconception that the people have about DNA testing. When the phrase DNA testing is heard, people start imagining scenarios with huge needles and complex laboratory methods. This is not true.
The only thing you need to do while undergoing a DNA test is to provide your sample. Usually, blood is preferred as the sample but in some cases, cheek cells are also considered. The blood is taken like any other blood test and is not at all painful. The next thing you have to do is go home and relax, and you will get the results in a few days.
What Is The Rate Of Accuracy?
The DNA test is the most accurate genetic evaluation test to date and there has been no test to beat it. The DNA test has been developed with so much research that it being wrong is not possible. Some problems might occur in the case of a few people but that does not mean that there is a problem with the test. This is the human error that leads to any inaccuracy in the result.
How Much Time Does The Test Result Take?
The test results are fairly quick considering the process the test has to go through. You might get the reports of your tests in minimum three to maximum five days. Even though each lab has its own policies, you will not have to wait for too long.
How Old Do I Need To Be To Take The Tests?
The person’s age is not a factor in undertaking this test. The test can even be done in an unborn child or a hundred year old person. All you need is his or her DNA sample. So, anything or any person that is capable of providing DNA samples is enough to perform the test.
How Private Is DNA Testing?
Privacy is a big concern for most of people. They do not want their genetic data to be used unnecessarily without their permission. In most labs, the leftover sample is discarded after the test has been performed. But, to be really sure, review the terms of privacy on the lab website because they are actually different for each and every lab.